Easy methods to get more views on YouTube

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YouTube is constantly evolving and changing. It’s long past the days filled with funny cat videos and dogs riding skateboards. Nowadays, YouTube can also be a resource for marketing. More than 1 billion hours of video content are watched on YouTube each day. That’s much more than Netflix and Facebook video together. However, here’s the real most important point… It’s 62 percent of businesses utilize YouTube as an avenue to post videos content that is insane! Unique for you, since YouTube is a highly effective tool for business when used efficiently. To increase your sales, you’ll need to gain more free YouTube views. This article will help you discover how to gain more views on YouTube to build your online presence and increase sales. First, let’s look at how we can create a video using YouTube.

Tips to make a video for YouTube 


Before you begin creating videos for YouTube, you should determine what you’d like to make. Create a storyboard that outlines each scene or segment within the clip. Think about the message you intend to communicate to your viewers and then plan for calls to action. This is essential because you want people to take action following viewing the film.

Pen down a script

Based on your video’s plan, Start creating your video script. Make sure that the language is relevant and interesting to your viewers. If the video introduces YouTube, do not include excessive technical terms. If you’re creating a deep YouTube video, ensure to use terms specific to your industry to establish confidence in your viewer. Don’t write a long story when your storyboard isn’t long because it could result in lots of time spent on screens which will not result in a satisfying watching experience.

Make a shot list

The idea of having a shot list will inspire you to consider minor details, like lightning direction and camera position. Be sure to make one after you’ve written your script. It should contain elements that give a sense of order to your production, like the camera’s setup or actions/dialogues that each scene requires.

Make arrangements for the Scene.

Does your video have animation or live-action? What type of props do you need to make your video to ensure it’s possible that YouTube followers remain interested throughout the entire video? These are crucial questions to be answered because they will make your video appear more professional. Consider branding your branding to the background of your video and thumbnails to ensure that your video is of the highest quality.

Be Prepared

Rehearse and prepare yourself. If you’re starring on the screen or simply making it, it’s crucial to plan and practice to ensure that the actual thing can go smoothly. The difficulty lies in the details when it comes down to making a YouTube video; therefore, practice will help you prepare for everything that could go wrong while making a video.

Editing is must

After a few shots of each scene, the magic happens – now, you can begin editing your video to remove small errors or parts of scenes that don’t work. It is essential to determine if each line is natural and remove any lines that don’t belong in the overall picture.

Upload It

On YouTube’s YouTube website, you can upload your video with tags, a title, and a description to your viewers. This will assist your viewers in locating your video. If you plan to make multiple videos on specific topics, it is possible to create your playlist and include it in this. You can consider having captions and cards for your video to help viewers navigate better around your channel.

Get Live on Your Channel 

After you’ve had sufficient experience creating videos, why not consider making it live and speaking with your viewers in real-time. Respond to your viewers’ questions at the time of your appearance and offer your viewers the best experience of watching.

How to Increase Views on YouTube?

Now let’s dive into the particulars of how you can get free YouTube views.

1. Create Catchy Content

It doesn’t matter what hacks or advertisements you use if your YouTube videos aren’t great. So how do you create engaging content that can get greater views through YouTube? The best method is to create “how-to” videos: Just determine the things your ideal clients desire to know and then develop videos tailored to their needs. Do you think this is a good idea? You bet. YouTube creator Graham Cochrane racked up to 51 million YouTube views using instructions content.

2. Use End Screens and YouTube cards

End screens and cards are two tools that can be used to promote your videos and get more views and views on YouTube. In the beginning, you’ll need to confirm your YouTube account to use these tools. Simply click on your profile image at the top of the screen to verify your account, then click “Creator Studio.” After that, select the ‘Status and Features tab. The end screen is a frame that can be placed in the middle of the video to close the loop and highlight your call to action. They are tools you can program to appear at any time during the video. You can make them redirect viewers to another music or video or create a poll that can be a fantastic way to get feedback from viewers on what topics or videos they’d like to learn more about. For adding end screen and card to your YouTube videos, go to the Creator Studio, click on the ‘Video Manager and then click on ‘Videos. Choose the video you wish to add an end screen card to and click ‘Edit. When you’re on the video editor’s page, you can add the cards and screens at the end of your video using the menu options located at the top. Cards and end screens are effective devices, so ensure that you use them to provide calls to action in your YouTube videos.

3. ‘Watch Time’

YouTube defines its algorithm as a “search and discovery system.” The algorithm decides what videos are shown.

  • On the home page
  • As suggested in the videos
  • Results of a search
  • Under the Subscriptions tab, click Subscriptions.
  • Through notifications that viewers have made

Furthermore, the algorithm does not just affect the content of individual videos, but all YouTube channels. YouTube’s algorithm is complicated, but the most important aspect to know is that it’s heavily based upon the ‘Watch Time. In reality, according to YouTube, “Each video uploaded — as well as every channel on YouTube — is ‘ranked’ by watch time.”

Watch Time is the number of people who are viewing your video:

Bottom-line: YouTube rewards quality. The better your video is; the longer people are likely to spend watching them. This will boost the number of Watch Time minutes so that YouTube will be more favourable to your channel and videos.

Another thing to note: Your YouTube channel can also earn “watch time credits” by referring viewers to other YouTube videos. It’s like the concept of affiliate marketing.

In short, you should focus on keeping viewers on your channel for the duration you can, as well as not be afraid to advertise other YouTube channels within your particular niche!

4. Nurture a Community

YouTube is more than just a video search engine. It’s also a social media platform. To get more views on YouTube, you must use the platform like many other platforms. Also, it isn’t enough just to regularly upload videos. You also must actively engage your followers.

How? The best approach is to respond directly to comments, particularly if someone asks direct questions. Because viewers will be more likely to leave comments when they know they’ll get an answer. It’s just a few seconds, and you can do it while looking through your comments to find new ideas for your next video (remember tip number one?). Also, you should be a part of your local community. Join other channels within your area, comment on their content, and share any videos that your audience could enjoy. Also, you should give before you receive. If you interact with your audience genuinely and honestly, your viewers will be impressed, and it will be simpler to build your brand within a community of passionate fans. Remember, promoting other videos will earn your Watch Time credits, which will boost the rank of your YouTube channel’s algorithm. Additionally, you could engage viewers directly.

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One of the most effective methods to achieve this is to organize the prize draw or contest. You could, for instance, invite viewers to post your videos on Facebook and leave a message to be entered into a drawing to be the winner of your product. A committed, active and loyal audience is a sure method to increase the number of views through YouTube.

5. Create a YouTube trailer 

A YouTube trailer is a small video shown to the people who are new to your channel. It’s an excellent chance to:

  • Let viewers know what content you’ve made,
  • Highlight the advantages your channel offers,
  • Encourage them to sign up.

There’s no set of rules regarding the length of the trailer; however, the majority of YouTubers limit it to 25-30 seconds.

What makes a good YouTube trailer? A short, engaging video that communicates your story, dreams, goals, and goals. When making your ideas for your next trailer, consider asking yourself, “What’s my background”? “What do I hope to achieve”? “What compelled me to create a YouTube channel”?

To make your trailer, visit your channel’s homepage, go to the homepage, and click “Customise Channel.” This will bring you to a web page to upload your trailer’s content. After uploading, create a description, add your SEO tags, then hit “Publish.”

After publishing, return to your channel’s homepage and select the Customise Channel button again. The trailer will now appear in your library of videos. You can set it up as your YouTube video by choosing the “For New Visitors” tab.

That’s all there is to it. Your channel’s trailer is now ready to stand out. Let it take the burden of impressing anyone who decides to visit your channel.

Author Bio:

This is Aryan, I am a professional SEO Expert & Write for us technology blog and submit a guest post on different platforms- technootech provides a good opportunity for content writers to submit guest posts on our website. We frequently highlight and tend to showcase guests.

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