Top most Essential Web Development Tools to Use

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Have you ever thought how fast the technology changes from visiting specific websites to perform an action to a user friendly application? The web innovation is getting updated day by day. Before it was hard to imagine that we will be now using more powerful and versatile applications over our devices.  

Every day there are thousands of websites added on the internet with the best user interface, design, open-source tools, etc. 

These web applications and website is constructed with reference to demand of the competitive world. The market expectations are increasing day by day in order to fulfill this expectation of the market and to survive in the market, a web developer needs to use the most essential web development tools for their website. 

If you want to make your website presentable then you should follow all the new web development trends use all the effective tools which enhance the productivity of your website. 

Here in this blog we will discuss the best website development tools that you can use to enhance productivity of your site.

Novi Builder 

The easier feature of developing a website or an application is drag and drop feature. As Novi Builder comes with the same feature it offers quick and smooth way to build a website.

A website developer can also view and access and modify the source code and change the theme and design for a website anytime. 

Novi Builder provides full control to its user over online projects and its features. It comes with various features for example it has code editor support, application integration feature, pre made themes, preview tool and drag and drop feature and so on . This tool is only made for the professional experts who have deep knowledge about making a website.

However, for beginners it’s a heavy tool because it needs in depth knowledge and understanding of making a website.  

Visual Studio Code

A product by Microsoft which is used for editing the source code, it is capable to work on windows, Linux and even on macOS platforms.  Visual Studio Code offers various free extensions and packages which can be easily downloaded also you get the feature to customize your code editor. 

People with no experience of coding may fear to develop a website so it can be possible to edit the code directly. This is helpful when you customize a code for already present software and you need to add-on more features in your website. 

It comes with various features like debugging, code completion, embedded Git, syntax highlighting and many more.  

It supports JavaScript and Python this helps in developing code for frontend and backend.  

Sublime Text

This tool is one of the famous tools for code editing and website designing, this tool is available for free for Windows, Mac and Linux and you are charged with $70 for its licence.  Sublime Text has many features such as Go To command for searching specific code, selecting multiple commands at same time, split and multiple editing, quick navigation, python based plugins and many more. 


This tool is a whole lot complete software solution which works on a principal of pay-as-you-go this means you are only charge for a service which is used by you. By using this tool you can connect to all the clod based programs over the internet. This is best for creating front end of a website as it does not take much time in processing the application.

SaaS is one of the most reliable website development tool as it consists of various rules and functions for better performance and also as a programmer you can share your design across the platform. 

The more updated version of SaaS is CSS which is quick to learn and apply by investing in functionality. 

SaaS allows you to support language extensions including variables, colors, values, easy to understand tool, customized output, and control directives.


Design plays a major role in developing a website, an attractive website is capable to attract more visitors and customers who ultimately construct a path of growth of business not only this it improves Search engine ranking of a website. 

Sketch is the designing tool which is used by the developers for mentioning design elements such as logo, images and even animations. You can manipulate the designs with ease not only this you can create your own symbol which can be placed anywhere in the documents by adjusting its size.

You can use custom fonts for the website to look more attractive they can be exported into an open type font file from font rapid it is a cloud component it highlights the feature of collaboration. 

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This tool only works on Mac OS platform. You have to pay subscription on monthly or annually basis to use it. 


Foundation as a name suggest if offers basis of website development it offers various HTML templates for each kind of applications which can be modified.  You can build a form, star ratings and social buttons by using this tool on your webpage.

It also offers online lectures to the beginners to now it’s all the features.  

Git Hub 

GitHub allows you to make review for your own comes with two solutions one with self-hosted and another one with cloud hosted solution. It helps the programmer to perform web development management. 


In Conclusion, The web market is becoming highly competitive due to fast technological changes. In order to survive in the web market, you should follow all the technological trends and use the most productive tools for creating your website. 

However, these tools with help your website to be user friendly, attractive and interactive it will also meet the desired expectation but you should look for more technological upgrades in near future.  

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