10 Ways Blockchain Technology Can Revolutionise the Education Sector

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Do you know what a blockchain is? People are actually very little awareness of what the new buzz in the technology world is all about, yet it’s trending all over. Students are also taking assignment help from outside sources whenever they have assignments to submit over the blockchain. We all know that this technology has revolutionized the concept of currency throughout the globe. 

However, the scope of this blog is to analyze what sort of impact it can make in the education sector. So, before coming to the utility of blockchain in education, we should quickly check what it actually means.

What is a ‘blockchain’? 

Blockchain, in technical terms, is nothing but distribution databases. Its main idea is it is not controlled centrally by any person or authority, and rather people in many computers across the globe are operating it from a distributed chain. 

This technology has disrupted the investment economy in many ways by influencing governance, businesses, economy, and organizational functions. 

After the much-hyped fame of Bitcoin, you should know that blockchain is influencing credits, badges, and qualifications. 

Each block cannot be tampered with in a blockchain and holds transparency to its users. 

You have a timestamp to record transactions. The main part of the blockchain is you are not relying on a third party by any means.

Blockchain in the education sector

Our education system has decentralized, diversified, disintermediated, and democratized. Yet we could not maintain trust in this form of education, the reputation of the institutions, and proof of learning. However, blockchain technology has increased relevance and focus for regular users and technology buffs. People are seeking transparency in online education more than what exists today. So, here are ten ways blockchain technology can revolutionize education once and for all. 

  1. Using blockchain in single institutions

A school in Melbourne, Australia, has used blockchain to implement a project-based knowledge system as an alternative to their traditional direct courses. The school has used blockchain technology as a way to store and produce issued certificates. In addition, the school authority has adopted blockchain to measure the number of fake certificates. 

It has created a two-factor system of authentication to sign-off, create and place the particular certificate into the blockchain database. The school has also used a “decentralized clearing number” or DCN, which allows necessary authentication from the employers. 

2. In a group of institutions 

If you run a chain of schools or educational institutions, then maintaining the actual results of candidates and certificates becomes a real challenge for the authority. 

Many universities in Australia have formed an agreement that is like a codeshare. 

This chain of databases also applies to many affiliated institutions of a global group of learning centers or an alliance. 

The main purpose of blockchain is to give a constellation of interchangeable and shared databases so that movements become much easier. 

3. National database of blockchain

It is a strange thing education access the globe is nationalistic. Even pan-national organizations like the EU could not find a unitary way to resolve this problem. However, in every nation, there is an urgent need to share the number of databases that are stored in the form of credentials. 

We need a system that is sitting above all regulatory bodies simultaneously. For example, a country’s education system needs schools z colleges, private institutes, examination boards, universities, and trade associates to maintain a single database of information where everybody is an equal stakeholder. The immediate solution may be blockchain technology. 

4. Assessing globally

The certification system which is currently running is befitted to serve its present purpose. You can easily be subject to fraud or loss in the present paper assessment system.  

However, as the number of mobile phone operators increases with time, a list of credentials that maintains a centralized database is increasingly required. 

You can move to another institute or a new job. You can also be a refugee who got stripped of his certificates suddenly. 

This is where maintaining a database through blockchain technology is the need of the hour. 

5. Badges and blockchain

Have you ever thought of an open badge? An open badge gathers required evidence for its credentials. Is it not necessary to maintain a storage facility that is impossible to tamper with? 

Blockchain technology is the right alternative if one has to deal with authenticity in the accreditation system. 

It immediately disappears the problems of scale, cost and openness for badges. 

6. “Continuing professional development.”

It is difficult to deliver continuing professional development or a CPD. CPDs are very poorly tracked, and white is often found to be fragmented. 

Now you have to imagine blockchain technology in the CPD system. It is taken issued data from the CPD, which is related too much information on courses, attendance, and different forms of learning. 

To build this distributed network, one can encourage teachers and related professionals to get the necessary inputs from providers they trust. 

7. Using blockchain in corporate learning

Many companies give vast amounts of training to their employees. However, it is quite hard to store achievements. Current talent management and learning technologies have gone old and are a bit tired of taking on the same burden. However, blockchain technology can transform this paradigm by giving employees open access to a shared database even after they leave their jobs. 

8. Using blockchain in apprenticeship

Vocational education has become a big thing globally, and the government is pushing its pupils hard in this direction. However, vocational education is still dependent on independent data centers and storage facilities units. 

Each country offers thousands of its students a subsidized vocational education in various subjects. But it is not easy to maintain the certificates and grades individually. 

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That’s why blockchain technology can transform the vocational education sector in a great deal. 

9. Using blockchain in bodies of knowledge 

There are many independent bodies of knowledge like those in the ed-tech sector and many other platforms that run online, which face substantial issues to carry their proof of knowledge. 

With the use of blockchain, in such a body of knowledge, the information store can move out from the grips of the private bodies that provide education to the users. 

It can also influence the micro-learning industry by making it decentralized according to the demand of the client. 

With the newly introduced blockchain technology, you can build a data center that is spread across storage capacities and customers. 

10. Revolutionizing future education

The majority of the ideas in adopting blockchain technology are in the discussion point and need in-depth research and reformation before it takes off the actual path. So, in the hand of blockchain, the future of education is marred with possibilities of disruption and synthesis. 

So, I hope this blog was helpful to impart some knowledge of the blockchain in the education sector.

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